Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Employment Law Attorney Is Terrible

I worked for a local hardware store for five years without incident, yet I was fired a few months ago. The business was sold to someone else and he seems to have a problem with me. I am not sure how that works since I have been a top employee there, but I have a feeling it has something to do with my weight. When I was let go, I hired an employment attorney Austin and a case was filed. Ever since I filled out the paperwork and signed on the dotted line, my attorney has been very terrible.
There were two hearings that were postponed because my employment law attorney never showed up. Whenever I call his office, I am put on hold indefinitely, or I am told that he is out for the day. There is no way that I am going to continue paying him when he is not helping me in any capacity. I drafted a letter today that I am going to have sent to his office. He will be told that some action needs to be taken soon or I will be forced to let him go. There are other attorneys that I am sure can do a better job.